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CIP -  Каталогизација у публикацији
Народна библиотека Србије, Београд
MD : Medical Data : medicinska revija = medical review / glavni i odgovorni urednik Dušan Lalošević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2009)- . - Zemun : Udruženje za kulturu povezivanja Most Art Jugoslavija ; Novi Sad : Pasterovo društvo, 2009- (Beograd : Scripta Internacional). - 30 cm

Dostupno i na: - Tri puta godišnje.

ISSN 1821-1585 = MD. Medical Data
COBISS.SR-ID 158558988




Tadele Girum1 and Abebaw Wasie1

1Department of Public health, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Wolkite University, Wolkite, Ethiopia


The paper was received on 03.01.2017. / Accepted on 31.01.2017.


Correspondence to

Tadele Girum
Tel: +251913652268





Background: In spite of good progress in child survival; child mortality is still an urgent concern for global community particularly for developing countries where the larger share of global child death occurs. Globally remarkable progress has been made, however in developing countries the progress is steady. Identifying correlates and designing intervention will have important role to reduce child mortality. There for this study aimed to identify correlates of child mortality in developing countries to show directions of interventions.  Methods: By using aggregate health indicator data of 2008-2016 from WHO, World Bank, UNDP and UNICEF data bases among 82 developing countries analytical ecological study was conducted. The dependent variable was child mortality rate, while the independent variable was socio-economic, health care related and coverage of child survival interventions. Data was compiled in excel and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: child mortality rate is very high in developing countries and the difference between countries is also high. A significant correlation between child mortality and socio-economic, health care, child survival intervention and morbidity indicator variables was observed. Along with some of socio-economic variables Maternal Mortality Ratio, Total fertility rate and Crude birth rate had strong positive correlation, while access to improved sanitation and disease prevention indicator variables has strong negative correlation with CMR. Conclusions: child mortality is determined by multiples of socio-economic, health care system associated factors, disease burden, disease prevention activities and their complex interactions. Therefore Policy and programs targeted to improve child health should address these issues.


Key words

Child mortality, developing countries, correlates






Uprkos značajnom napretku u preživljavanju dece, njihova smrtnost i dalje ostaje urgentna briga svetske zajednice posebno u zemljama u razvoju gde se povećana smrtnost dece najviše i javlja. Na svetskom nivou napredak je značajan, ali u zemljama u razvoju vidi se stagnacija ovog procesa. Identifikovanje povezanosti i kreiranje intervencija imaju važnu ulogu u smanjenju smrtnosti dece. Ova studija ima cilj da identifikuje korelate smrtnosti dece u zemljama u razvoju i da pokaže smernice za intervencije.
Metode. Korišćeni su udruženi podaci o zdravlju u periodu 2006-2016. od SZO, Svetske Banke, Programa razvoja UN i UNICEF-a i urađena je ekološka studija za 82 zemlje u razvoju. Zavisna varijabla bila je stopa smrtnosti dece dok su nezavisne varijable bile socio-ekonomski status, kao i dostupnost intervencija zdravstvene zaštite u preživljavanju dece. Podaci su sastavljeni u Ekselu i obrađeni u programu SPSS, verija 21.
Rezultati. Nađena je vrlo visoka smrtnost dece u zemljama u razvoju i velike razlike između pojedinih zemalja. Nađena je značajna korelacija između smrtnosti dece i varijabli socio-ekonomskog statusa, dostupnosti zdravstvene zaštite i intervencija u preživljavanju. Između pojedinih socio-ekonomskih varijabli nađena je jaka pozitivna korelacija između koeficijenta smrtnosti majki, stope ukupnog fertiliteta i ukupnog broja živorođenih, dok je jaka negativna korelacija smrtnosti dece nađena sa varijablama kao što su poboljšanje higijene i indikatori prevencije bolesti.
Zaključak. Smrtnost dece je određena brojnim faktorima kao što su socio-ekonomski status, faktori zdravstvene zaštite, opterećenja bolestima, preventivnim merama i njihovim kompleksnim interakcijama. Stoga ovim pitanjima treba da se bave politika i programi usmereni na poboljšanje zdravlja dece.







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UDK: 314.422.2(1-773)"2006/2016"
COBISS.SR-ID 230577420

PDF Girum T. and Wasie Abebaw •MD-Medical Data 2017;9(1): 063-067




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